Sunday, December 20, 2009

Treating Yeast Infections In Women- Fast Relief

Treating yeast infections in women proves to be a bit tricky, because you need to treat burning irritation that keeps you from enjoying life, plus also treat the deep down root cause of your infection. Thankfully there are a few ways you can accomplish both, and the even bigger plus is that they are perfectly safe and natural and they go to work very quickly. Treating your infection has never been easier and you get to do it all from the comfort of your own home.

One of the more popular treatments is to use probiotic yogurt. You want to ensure that you are using a nice plain probiotic yogurt, as this will be applied to some very sensitive body parts, so as much as you may like the strawberry banana flavor, leave it on the shelf and just get plain. Now here's what you do when treating yeast infections in women with yogurt.

* Apply the yogurt to the outer portion of your vagina. Most women experience vulvar irritation, redness and swelling. A good application of probiotic yogurt will provide you with almost instant relief of your symptoms, especially if you use it while it's has chilled in the fridge for a few hours. The active cultures in the plain yogurt get to work at combatting the yeast right away.
* Now it's time to treat the inside of your vagina. This can be done with your fingers (really messy), or by dipping a tampon in the yogurt and inserting. This application should be repeated up to four times a day every day, until the infection is gone, then perform for one more day. Here's a neat hint for you, you can prepare several dipped tampons ahead of time, and refrigerate them, the yogurt will stiffen up a bit making for even less mess, plus the coolness will extremely soothing on your inflamed skin.

Treating yeast infections in women, couldn't be easier than with the two methods of application listed above.

Now pay close attention, for the secrets that the drug companies don't want you to know.

There is a guaranteed method of yeast infection treatment that will cure your infection within 12 hours. If you don't want to be living with these symptoms or are sick of having your symptoms re-occurring all the time, then this is the most important message you will ever read. Yeast Infection Treatment Here.

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