Of all the different experiences that a woman will go through in the course of her life, pregnancy is by far the most important. The downside is that during pregnancy is when a woman is most prone to yeast infections. Although a yeast overgrowth will not directly harm the baby, it is a very uncomfortable situation to go through. Learning how to treat a yeast infection during pregnancy becomes more important than any other time.
Your body's hormones as you know are constantly changing and your body may find it difficult to keep up with the changes, especially in your vaginal area because of your increased vaginal secretions. These secretions are high in sugar levels and it is this increased sugar that the yeast will feed on, causing it to spread and cause an imbalance of too much yeast. This is when a yeast overgrowth occurs.
If you don't treat this infection, it is possible to pass the fungal infection to your baby's mouth during child birth. Thrush, as it is more commonly referred to, can be treated with a doctor prescribed medication, and clears up in about a week to ten days. But with your baby's newly formed immune system fighting to survive outside of your womb, why risk passing it on to him/her when you can treat it before hand.
Medical professionals will normally prescribe to you a vaginal cream and suppository if you have an infection of yeast during pregnancy. However, most of these medications have in them an ingredient called boric acid, which if also used in rat and rodent elimination processes, and aren't completely safe for your body.
A yeast infection is something that occurs naturally in your body, and the best way to treat it would be naturally. I will let you know that prior to searching online for different treatment options, most aren't suited for a pregnant woman. Some may end up causing more harm than the doctor prescribed medications.
So using all natural substances, such as apple cider vinegar, garlic, and yogurts with live pro-biotics are proven to be safe effective treatments of yeast infection even during pregnancy. You will have to use these on a regular basis to see results.
to safely eliminate your yeast overgrowth during pregnancy, you need to invest in a natural treatment plan that works quickly and doesn't cause your body or your baby any harm.
Now pay close attention.
There is a guaranteed method of yeast infection treatment that will cure your infection within 12 hours. If you don't want to be living with these symptoms or are sick of having your symptoms re-occurring all the time, then this is the most important message you will ever read. Yeast Infection Treatment Here